
At seventeen years old, I had to make the decision of whether to stay at home and go to a nearby university or to move to Hong Kong and compete with an international student base. As someone who likes new experiences, I took the unfamiliar choice. I expected life to get much harder as I now had to manage my academics as well as living necessities all by myself. It only took me so long to realise that I wasn’t the only one experiencing this and that almost every student felt this way. This helped me bond much faster with people and I felt part of the HKUST community.
Growing up, I was always inquisitive and never took a statement without asking a few questions. This inquisitiveness exists till date and it brought me all the way into the School of Engineering. There is a certain power to be able to imagine something and then be able to bring it to life. That is what engineering teaches you. I am majoring in Computer Engineering which is a perfect blend of both Computer Science and Electronics courses. This helps me retain my interest in both coding and robotics.
As every other School of Engineering student would tell you, my favourite place in HKUST is the Engineering Commons. Apart from all the memories I’ve made there participating in several SENG activities, it is the perfect place to take a break between classes or intensely prepare a cheat sheet. There are always groups preparing for a seminar and a few students sleeping on the sofas. It’s every engineering students’ home.
As an ESA, I hope to welcome many more students into the SENG community and gain more experiences while contributing to my school. There is no better way to understand an engineer’s life than to meet one and I hope to inspire several others into the path of becoming an engineer.