Prof. Albert CHUNG Appointed Associate Dean of Engineering (Undergraduate Studies)

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Prof. Albert CHUNG Appointed Associate Dean of Engineering (Undergraduate Studies)

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Prof. Albert C. S. Chung
Prof. Albert C. S. Chung [Download Photo]

The School of Engineering is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. Albert C. S. CHUNG, Professor of the Departments of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) and Chemical & Biological Engineering (CBE), to succeed Prof. CHENG Siu-Wing as the new Associate Dean of Engineering (Undergraduate Studies) with effect from January 1, 2020. Prof. Chung will work along with Prof. Philip K. T. MOK, also Associate Dean of Engineering (Undergraduate Studies), to oversee undergraduate matters in the School.

Prof. Chung obtained his BEng in Computer Engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 1995 and MPhil in Computer Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 1998. He received the Croucher Foundation scholarship to pursue doctoral studies at the University of Oxford from 1998 and gained his DPhil in Engineering Science in 2001.

He subsequently joined HKUST as an Assistant Professor in the CSE Department in 2001 and was promoted to Full Professor in 2014. Over the years, he has provided dedicated services to the departments, the School and the University in various capacities. He served as the Director (2010-12) and Associate Director (2008-10) of the Computer Engineering Program, Undergraduate Programs Coordinator of the CSE Department (2015-16), and Undergraduate Hall Residence Master (2004-11 and 2013-19). He was the Associate Head of the CSE Department from July 2016 – Aug 2019 before taking up the Associate Dean position.

Prof. Chung’s research expertise lies on medical image analysis, image processing, and computer vision. He has been the Founding Director of the Lo Kwee-Seong Medical Image Analysis Laboratory from 2005 and focuses on interdisciplinary research to create and apply engineering techniques in medical image analysis.

Prof. Chung has also been active in providing professional services to the international academic community. He was the Chair and Tutorial Chair of the organizing committees of the International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging 2019 and IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2019 respectively, among numerous other roles in various conferences in past years. He also serves as an editorial board member of Medical Image Analysis and Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, two major journals in the field.

The School would like to pay tribute and thank Prof. Cheng Siu-Wing for his leadership and valuable contributions as the Associate Dean of Engineering in the past four years. Under his stewardship, the School has made remarkable advancements in evolving and broadening its undergraduate education.