Press Releases

HKUST Students Win Design Elegance Award in international ROV Competition at NASA
HKUST Students Win Design Elegance Award in international ROV Competition at NASA 
HKUST Students Won Championship in Robocon Hong Kong Contest
HKUST Students Won Championship in Robocon Hong Kong Contest 
HKUST President Tony F Chan (right) and Dr Jack Lau at the listing ceremony.
HKUST President Tony F Chan (right) and Dr Jack Lau at the listing ceremony. [Download Photo] 
Ribbon cutting by the officiating party. (From left) Dr Cheung Nim-kwan, General Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee; Prof. Roberto de Marca, Executive Chairman of the Organizing Committee; Mr John Tsang, Financial Secretary, Hong Kong SAR Government; Dr Gordon Day, President-Elect, IEEE; Prof. K. B. Letaief, General Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee and HKUST Dean of Engineering; and Prof. Yrjö Neuvo, Program Committee Chair.
Ribbon cutting by the officiating party. (From left) Dr Cheung Nim-kwan, General Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee; Prof. Roberto de Marca, Executive Chairman of the Organizing Committee; Mr John Tsang, Financial Secretary, Hong Kong SAR Government; Dr Gordon Day, President-Elect, IEEE; Prof. K. B. Letaief, General Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee and HKUST Dean of Engineering; and Prof. Yrjö Neuvo, Program Committee Chair. 
English Schools Foundation science teachers on their first professional development day at HKUST.
English Schools Foundation science teachers on their first professional development day at HKUST. 
HKUST President Tony F Chan (left) and POSTECH President Sunggi Baik
HKUST President Tony F Chan (left) and POSTECH President Sunggi Baik 
A robot addresses the audience at the HKUST Atrium. 
HKUST and Princeton University Launch Joint Undergraduate Research Exchange Program for Engineering Students
HKUST and Princeton University Launch Joint Undergraduate Research Exchange Program for Engineering Students 
HKUST Professor Coaches High School Students on Creating Multi-image Panoramas of HKUST Campus
HKUST Professor Coaches High School Students on Creating Multi-image Panoramas of HKUST Campus