CENG_Course Syllabus_Spring 24-25

CENG Course Syllabus (Spring 2024-25)

Course Code Course Title Instructor(s) Course Syllabus
CENG1500 A First Course on Materials Science and Applications NYEIN, Hnin Yin Yin Pdf
CENG1980 Industrial Training LIU, Y.S. Marshal Pdf
CENG2210 Chemical and Biological Engineering Thermodynamics ZHU, Bonnie Danqing Pdf
CENG2220 Transport Phenomena I HSING, I-ming Pdf
CENG3110 Process Dynamics and Control GAO, Furong Pdf
CENG3150 Integrated Chemical Process and Product Design LAKERVELD, Richard
LAM, Leung Yuk Frank
LIU, Y.S. Marshal
CENG3950 Chemical and Environmental Engineering Laboratory LAM, Leung Yuk Frank Pdf
CENG4140 Energy Resources, Conversions and Technologies LAM, Leung Yuk Frank Pdf
CENG4510 Nature Engineering and DNA Nanotechnology MI, Yongli Pdf
CENG4540 Nanomaterials and Applications in Chemical Engineering KIM, Yoonseob Pdf
CENG4620 Bioproducts and Processing LIU, Y.S. Marshal Pdf
CENG4720 Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Systems LAM, Leung Yuk Frank Pdf
CENG4920 Chemical Engineering Capstone Design LAKERVELD, Richard Pdf
CENG4930 Chemical Engineering Thesis Research LAKERVELD, Richard Pdf
CENG4940 Chemical Engineering Industrial Project LIU, Y.S. Marshal Pdf
CENG4980Y Investigation Project - Pdf