Aditya Akash DAS
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2023-24
Class of 2025,
BEng in Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Engineering chose me long before I chose it. From a young age I was enraptured by the magic of how things worked. I vividly remember the first time I disassembled a toy just to glimpse its inner workings - I was hooked. When I realized engineering could turn ideas into innovations that better society, I knew it was my calling.

Arriving at HKUST was the culmination of a lifelong dream. The unparalleled labs and globally renowned research induced a spark in me. My mind came alive through the thought- provoking coursework, always pushing me to reach further. Late nights spent in the learning commons with peers during exams were a labour of love.

HKUST expanded my perspective through teammates and mentors from diverse cultures. Together we learned the power of communication and collaboration. I saw firsthand how creativity and problem-solving can transform communities. And I was reminded that engineering is not just about the technology, but the people you serve.

Now, as I prepare to take this education out into the world, my purpose has never been clearer. HKUST unlocked in me a relentless drive to pioneer solutions that will uplift humanity. The principles and skills instilled here will guide me as I devote my career to advancing clean energy technologies. Owing to HKUST, I am empowered to turn my passion into progress.