Tayeeb Bin

Tayeeb Bin KALAM
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2023-24
Class of 2026,
BEng in Electronic Engineering

I have always had a deep fascination for the intricate workings of the electronics surrounding us daily. The ability to assemble these components at a microscopic level, piece by piece, and witness the development of cutting-edge technology has been truly captivating.

Moving from high school A levels to an international engineering university was a massive transition for me; nevertheless, the competitive nature of HKUST made me go deeper into engineering insights, adapt fast to the new learning environment, and finally get into the Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department. Getting into HKUST helped me meet individuals from diverse cultural and national backgrounds. Moreover, I could sharpen my edges by engaging in practical ECE laboratory work involving electronics, providing valuable hands-on experience, and fostering a more profound understanding of practical applications within the electronic engineering field integrated with Artificial Intelligence.

Thus, HKUST has been very helpful in meeting my academic and professional milestones ever since I enrolled. I greatly appreciate the opportunities and support and am glad to have accepted the offer. Throughout my first year, I have seen my fair share of specialized workshops, seminars, and engineering teams, such as Robotics, Robomasters, and Redbird, addressing the many skill sets and qualities necessary for successful career advancement explicitly designed for all engineering departments. Indeed, HKUST is dedicated to honing and refining all aspects of our development. Keeping it balanced, HKUST is resourceful and understanding. It provides support systems to promote students' well-being, including recreational activities, fitness programs, and sports facilities to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Joining the Engineering Student Ambassador would allow me to speak vividly about my experience to fellow prospective engineering students and help expand the engineering industry's influence within the community.