Lucas Kan Lap

Lucas Kan Lap HUI
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2023-24
Class of 2026,
BEng in Integrative Systems and Design
Division of Integrated Systems and Design

Ever since I was young, I've been fascinated by how the world works and interested in using science and technology to solve problems. As I learned more about the fields of engineering, I realized it was the perfect way for me to combine my interests in innovation and make a positive impact on human quality of life as well as making the environment suitable for living.

I'm studying Integrated Science and Design at HKUST, which has allowed me to apply engineering principles to real-world projects. Through the hands-on, cross-disciplinary curriculum, I've worked on challenges related to sustainability, renewable energy, advanced technologies, etc. It's incredibly rewarding to see concepts come to life as you prototype and test design solutions.

Outside of class, I'm an active member of the Robotics Team, where we design and build competitive robots from the ground up. The projects pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me valuable skills like project management, teamwork, and problem-solving under pressure. Through both my studies and extracurricular activities, I'm gaining the technical know-how, creative thinking, and passion for lifelong learning that will serve me well as an engineering leader.

HKUST offers endless opportunities to grow through its top-ranked programs and collaborative community. I'm excited to represent the School of Engineering and share my enthusiasm for this diverse and exciting field. With the growing need for innovative thinkers, I believe engineers can build a brighter future. I'm grateful for the chance to make an impact through this role and to inspire others to pursue their dreams in engineering.