
Snehanshn HAZARIKA
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2023-24
Class of 2024,
BEng in Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Hey there! Sneh here, your friendly neighborhood ESA

Why am I majoring in Mechanical Engineering, you ask? Well simply because I want to build an Iron Man suit!

I'm just partially joking. I have a strong interest in everything that makes you move, groove, or say, "Whoa!" Growing up (and today), some of my *HUGE* interests were Legos, aeroplanes, and Formula 1. As a result, I was THE inquisitive child who would spend hours disassembling objects and putting them back together successfully (most of the time). MEngg, in my opinion, is the ideal blend of technical creativity, artistry, and precision interaction. I enjoy the excitement of making things move and generating interesting mechanisms, whether I'm sketching up ‘carefully calculated’ crazy ideas or really putting them into motion with my own two hands. Plus, with a mechanical degree, I've got more doors to open than a magician at Hogwarts. 

But hold up, SENG isn't just about textbooks and equations. I'm not just a nerdy engineering student - I'm also the President of the Fencing Club, and a sports enthusiast since day one. Being part of the Red Bird Racing Team, I got to put my classroom learnings into real-life problem-solving - one of many such opportunities here in SENG. HKUST's multidisciplinary academic approach has allowed me to venture into captivating courses like technical theatre arts, political science, climate change, and psychology - broadening my perspectives and enriching my overall educational experience. With the aid of numerous projects from the DSTO's Co-Curricular Programmes, I've also had the chance to contribute back to the community, which I much enjoy as a non-local student.

Now, as your ESA, my mission is to inspire, empower, and ignite the spark of innovation within each and every one of you. I want to be a guide and resource for freshmen, especially those who, like me, come from different backgrounds, helping them navigate their OWN journeys here. Not just me, HKUST too has got your backs with mind-blowing resources, networking opportunities, mental health support, career guidance and all the tools you need to rock your engineering journey. Are you ready to dive in headfirst? I made my move a while back, and trust me, it's been a wild ride. Now, it's your turn to make your mark at HKUST!