Natalie Ching
Bedazzled by the rapid development of genetic reprogramming and how it could tackle medical challenges to benefit society, I was determined to dive in head first to acquire more on this topic. Being the only provider of bioengineering majors and a top engineering institution in Hong Kong, HKUST is the obvious right choice for me.
After joining HKUST, I did not only equip myself with knowledge from different aspects at a molecular level. I was also given many opportunities to immerse myself in industrial projects, internships, and research experiences. These activities allowed me to challenge myself and find my true passion. I could also explore various areas that further sparked my interest and stepped out of my comfort zone. These learning experiences inspired me to think out of the box, which I realized is the crucial mindset of being an engineer.
Looking back, joining HKUST has been a fruitful and fulfilling journey and is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I wish to contribute by sharing my personal experience with different people, inspiring them to discover their passion and answering any inquiries they may have regarding bioengineering and life at HKUST.