Joycelyn Chi Ying

Joycelyn Chi Ying NG
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2022-23
Class of 2023,
BEng in Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Cape Town, South Africa
Rustenburg Girls' High

As someone who did not start their engineering journey at HKUST, I was surprised at how much the School of Engineering (SENG) has impacted my path. Before I transferred, I thought I knew everything there was to know about chemical engineering applications as a third year, but HKUST proved me wrong. The school has provided many opportunities, relevant resources, and tools to encourage me to be curious and learn continuously.

I have always been impressed by the school's efforts to keep our knowledge relevant. Curriculums are constantly updated and new courses continue to be established to allow our skills to reflect on the ever-changing and growing engineering field. Back in the first year, I had many interests that I wished to pursue and thus my decision to join chemical engineering was based on the versatility of the field since many of the taught concepts applied to a variety of other engineering areas. But now that I have a more holistic understanding of the field and have undergone many experiences here such as internships, interactions within the SENG community and hands-on projects. I have a direction for my future and the courage to continue to grow and develop as an engineer.

Joining HKUST has been one of the most remarkable changes in my path and I’m thankful for the much-needed support and sense of belonging SENG has given me in the transition to a new environment. With a grateful heart, I wish to give back and serve to provide the same kind of support to the community.