Claudia Siu Man

Claudia Siu Man LAU
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2021-22
Class of 2023,
BEng in Aerospace Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

When I was small, I wanted to become a doctor so that I could save a lot of lives. Engineering did not appear in my mind until I have to choose my major subjects back in secondary school. I suddenly found out that engineering is actually all around us. From small things like pens to big things like aircraft and spaceships, they are all engineering related. I found that using engineering could make the world a much better place and help much more people than a doctor does. 
In HKUST Engineering, I found my interest in aerospace engineering. I also found that robotics is much more interesting than I think. RoboMaster Team allows me to try different designs to observe the result brought. I found that little details actually have so much different result brought. Also, some designs by other schools actually inspires me. There are a lot of creative designs that I have not thought about which is much easier and efficient than what I have thought about. HKUST Engineering has provided me a lot of chances not only on academics, but also on experiences outside school. I really enjoyed my university life in HKUST, and I hope that I could earn much more in ESA programme.