Kitty Yuen Ting

Kitty Yuen Ting YUNG
Head Engineering Student Ambassador, 2023-24
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2021-22
Class of 2023,
BEng in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hong Kong
Queen Elizabeth School

I think I am a quite special student in the engineering school. Unlike other students who have already know what they want to study in the university, I was the one who still had no idea even I had finished my public exam. I chose to study engineering not because I am interested in it, it is just because I don’t like other subjects. I don’t like writing essays, so I didn’t choose to study those language-related subjects, and I am not interested in business as well as Science which is too theoretical for me. So, engineering seems to be the most suitable one for me, and that’s why I chose to study engineering. However, I have started to change my mind since my journey at HKUST started. 

One thing I found it’s quite interesting is that all the people in HKUST are so passionate about what they are doing. Professors are so into their studies. Students love the major that they are studying. Their passions influence me and make me want to become part of them too. And I started to find out that engineering is really an amazing subject. Almost everything like our mobile phone, buildings, or even tackling climate change, providing clean drinking water, are all related to engineering. I chose Computer Science as my major because I think it is a dynamic and rapidly growing area that has become an integral part of the world that we are living in today and I believe that Computer Science can change the world.

Being selected to be one of the Engineering Student Ambassadors, I can meet other students from the Engineering School. Though we may come from different cultural backgrounds, we all share the same eagerness for knowledge about engineering. I would like to take this chance to introduce us, the Engineering School to the external parties and welcome all the incoming students.