Yanna Yat Nga

Yanna Yat Nga HUI
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2021-22
Class of 2024,
BEng in Bioengineering
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

We are always told that the college entrance exam marks the end of our childhood and youth, and promoting to university embarks a new chapter of life. But to me, the university is the place that continued my childhood and is a crib for the imaginations to come true. At a young age, biology books were definitely the best companion for a quiet moment and grew along with my engineer father, I got to learn a lot of technical stuff, from aircraft to ships, commercial air-conditioners to toy car motors. Biology and engineering seem to be so distinct to me that I was actually confused during junior high whether I should go for science or engineering in the future. Till then, I learned about bioengineering during my study in HKUST’s programs for high school students. And a few years later, I am actually a bioengineering student here at HKUST and I have never regretted entering this program.

As a former professional athlete, I have always imagined inventing assistants for people with various disabilities or diseases that hinder them from enjoying freedom and sports. HKUST is definitely the place for nurturing students with dreams and passion, I found opportunities here to bring my childhood dream to reality. Not only can I learn from being a student helper in research, the Base and Entrepreneurship Centre also provides a great start-up environment.
In the near future, as an Engineering Student Ambassador, I hope to help other students during their university studies and make them feel at home here where they can discover unlimited opportunities.