Owen Ho Wing

Owen Ho Wing LEUNG
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2020-21
Class of 2022,
BEng in Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering Program
Hong Kong
Carmel Pak U Secondary School

When I first entered HKUST, I was unsure and indecisive about what to study for my major. I had dreamed of building houses, repairing aircrafts or making computer software. However, in HKUST, there were a lot of helpful people offering their hands as you try to discover your interest. Peer mentors and Engineering Student Ambassadors are there to share their own experiences and guide you through the many choices. One advantage of studying engineering in HKUST is that you do not need to choose your major in the first year. In the general year, you are free to take any course in different engineering disciplines to look for whichever you like the most. After a year, I was able to pick Computer Engineering as my major.

There are lots of opportunities for you to gain exposure in HKUST. You can join different student groups and participate in competitions, as well as going overseas for exchange. There are also plenty of internship programs to ensure that you could get the hands-on experience in your career before graduation.

HKUST offers a comprehensive range of major programmes, including as Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronic Engineering, and many more. With seven main engineering disciplines, I am sure that you will be able to find the most suitable major for yourself, study according to your interest and have a promising future!