Jihoon CHUNG

Jihoon CHUNG
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2016-17
Class of 2019,
BEng in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

My name is Jihoon Chung. I had lived in Korea for my whole life. Currently, I am in my second year in HKUST as a CSE student. The main reason why I chose HKUST was that it is one of the most international schools in Asia. Nowadays, it is very important for engineers to connect to the world. Meeting and socializing with people from various cultures in HKUST would help me to be a better engineer.

I also want to contribute to HKUST and to the society by being an ESA. Just like I learned about HKUST when I was in high school, I want other high school students to know about our university and give them hopes to come here and become part of our community.