Christie Tin Yan

Christie Tin Yan TSE
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2016-17
Class of 2018,
BEng in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hong Kong
Maryknoll Convent School, Hong Kong

When I was in my final year of secondary school, I participated in the HKUST WISE Summer Camp 2014 jointly organized by the School of Engineering and the School of Science. This memorable experience is, perhaps, the spark that inspired me to become a female engineer. I have always been told by my parents that I should not just follow the social norm; instead, pursuing my interest is the most important factor in choosing my further studies in university.

Being amazed by how computers transform the way we learn and live, I decided to choose the field of computer science in my tertiary education. HKUST is definitely one of the best engineering schools around the world and has a high rating in engineering rankings. I really enjoy the learning atmosphere as well as international cultural diversity on campus. Also, the magnificent seaview has always stunned me; be it day or night, sunny or rainy.

Enrolling in the Engineering Student Ambassador Program is indeed one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am honoured to become part of this ESA family and represent the School of Engineering in various activities. Being eager to "learning through serving", just like the motto of this program, I am really looking forward to serving SENG in the future!