Samuel Whole Dux

Samuel Whole Dux KONG
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2016-17
Class of 2020,
BEng & BBA in Computer Science and General Business Management
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hong Kong
Pui Kiu College, Hong Kong

When I was in Grade 10, I met my computer science teacher, Steven. He inspired me into the world of coding. I can still remember the feeling of satisfaction when I first finished the testing and debugging process. It was then I started to join different IT-related competitions, and luckily, I won some of them, which further encouraged me to pursue my degree in computer science in HKUST.

Being one of the top engineering universities in the world, HKUST is very resourceful to students. It provides unique environment to students to develop our talents. Besides being resourceful academically, it also provides lots of internship, scholarship and exchange opportunities. Studying in HKUST, I was offered opportunities to receive scholarships, form Hackathon winning team, join the summer study tour in Stanford University, participate in the Silicon Valley Innovation Academy, and meet great people around the world. 

Being born and bred on this fine piece of land, I understand that secondary students in Hong Kong have little understanding towards engineering. Through the Engineering Student Ambassador Program, I would like to give inspiration to the younger generations about engineering, just like what my teacher did. Thank you for reading my story, please feel free to contact me concerning what is it like to be a student of HKUST. Cheers!