Chloe Sixuan

Chloe Sixuan CHEN
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2016-17
Class of 2019,
BEng in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Beijing No.2 Middle School, Beijing

I'm a Beijinger with the courage to venture into the real world at HKUST. I stepped out of my comfort zone by not choosing to live in one place for my whole life because real life challenges make me feel alive. I hope I can be mature and independent as a grown-up by facing all challenges by myself. So here I am, joining the ESA family to serve. Being in touch with people and helping them is the first step of connecting myself to the society. Serving needs commitment and responsibility, but it's also rewarding. I can recall those valuable moments when sharing my experience and thoughts in SENG... My fresh and fantastic life as an ESA has just begun.

I'm crazy about American blockbusters, especially sci-fi movies, which is why I'm interested in advanced technology and want to pursue computer science as major. Robots, AI, even super powers; these cool things that emerge in movies not only make the scene amazing, but are on the way to becoming real and can help the whole world. By acquiring technical knowledge and being creative, I can make imagination come true, make the wildest dream happen in reality, and create the world that never was.