
Felicia AGATHA
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2016-17
Class of 2018,
BEng in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ACS Jakarta, Indonesia

Hello there! My name is Felicia, I came from a city called Bekasi in Indonesia. Inspired by my father who is a civil engineer, becoming an engineer has been my dream since secondary school. I went to an international school and took the International Baccalaureate (IB) examination in my senior year in high school. Choosing where to study was not easy for me because I didn't really think of where I really want to go for university until the last few months of high school. At the end, I chose HKUST because it's the best engineering university in Asia.

My experience studying in HKUST has been really exciting. I chose to major in Computer Science (CS) at the end of my first year. At first, it was not easy for me because I didn't have much programming experience before university. But HKUST has offered many opportunities to me even when I was still a total beginner in CS. It started from little things; for me, my first CS project was a summer research project started by a professor in HKUST, and I wrote a small program to help with the data analysis in the research project. After that, I joined the Student Innovation for Global Health Technology (SIGHT) program, and together with a team that was mostly computer programmers. We brainstormed for a solution to solve logistic problems at medical clinics in developing countries. I made use of my knowledge in CS and at the end of the program, my team developed a mobile application that can help screening a certain disease. The program was also co-otganized by an NGO and I even had the chance to test the app in field! It was a very exciting experience, and I also saw how engineering can help the people in need.

Other than SIGHT program, I also participated in other activities such as HKUST President's Cup, Hackathon, and the Engineering Student Ambassador Program. My two years in HKUST has been very enriching and enjoyable, and by becoming an ESA, I hope I can help prospective students to know more about HKUST. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!