Hettige Don Pasindu Nimeshka

Hettige Don Pasindu Nimeshka SAMARANYAKE
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2017-18
Class of 2019,
BEng in Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Kandana, Sri Lanka
Lyceum International School Wattala, Sri Lanka

Hey there! I'm an international student from the Pearl of the Indian Ocean, known as Sri Lanka.

I'm an individual committed to being above average, which played a vital role in selecting HKUST as the place where I would pursue my higher education. Before coming to HKUST, I always knew that it would be very tough academically considering its global ranking. At the same time, I also had the option of selecting a less competitive institution. However, I knew that HKUST would take me out of my comfort zone and this convinced me that HKUST is where I belong to.

Do I regret coming to HKUST? Absolutely not. It has taken me out of my comfort zone and made me continuously work to be above the norm. It has shown me that any storm can be withered with absolute grit and I'm truly grateful for that.

HKUST School of Engineering has been a wonderful family for all of us. It's nothing but friendly and helpful individuals who are always inspiring in their own way. Every professor wants to encourage your learning and is always willing to advise you on the right path to be taken. The amazing Student-Professor relationship at HKUST SENG is without a doubt my favorite aspect about the School of Engineering.

HKUST will throw battles at you and it will test you to your absolute limit, but HKUST will also ensure that you learn and grow to get through all these challenges and become a better individual as a whole. Once you finish your journey at HKUST, you will think to yourself with a smile on your face, "If I got through HKUST, I can surely get through all obstacles in life".