David Ka Po

David Ka Po OR
Head Engineering Student Ambassador, 2019-20
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2017-18
Class of 2019,
BEng in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hong Kong
Po Leung Kuk Mrs. Ma Kam Ming-Cheung Fook Sien College, Hong Kong

Hi, I'm David, an undergraduate student studying Computer Science and Engineering in HKUST School of Engineering. “How does it work?” is the most frequent question on my mind when I explore computer science basics. I'm curious about how artificial intelligence can be created by combining theories of computer science. By studying this subject, I can learn practical and theoretical knowledge which lays a solid foundation on my understanding of computers which helps to advance technology.

As a Hongkonger, I am familiar with local culture, which is a sophisticated fusion of East and West. Like the cosmopolitan city where it is located, HKUST provides an excellent opportunity for its students to study in an international atmosphere. I enjoy the moments when I interact with new friends and I would like to promote 1-HKUST as well as Hong Kong culture to every international student.

Joining the ESA family connects me to the whole engineering family in HKUST and gives me an excellent opportunity to share my inspiration. I am willing to be the bridge between students and the School with my sincerest and utmost effort. Thank you for reading my story, and don’t hesitate to contact me by email or in-person if you want to know more about studying engineering in HKUST.