Talia Yan Kiu

Talia Yan Kiu CHAN
Head Engineering Student Ambassador, 2019-20
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2017-18
Class of 2020,
BEng in Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Hong Kong
HKUGA College, Hong Kong

When I was young, I loved to watch Education Television for leisure. Once I encountered math problems, I would seek help from my dad. Since then, solving math problems has become one of my favorite activities. As I became older, I realized that math is fun, but engineering goes further to apply math and science to solve real life problems. Hence I aspire to become an engineer to serve our community by improving lifestyles through technology.

When I first told my friends and relatives that I had decided to study aerospace engineering in HKUST, most of them were shocked. They held stereotypes that engineering is a field fit for men; that engineers are dull and nerdy, and girls are not strong enough to handle the physical labor. However, these are not true. Engineers may be more competent than others in math and physics, but we are not dull. Women may be the minority in the engineering field, but we can be as successful as men. Therefore as an Engineering Student Ambassador, I hope to change how people view engineering, and to show people that women can be successful engineers as well.