
Head Engineering Student Ambassador, 2019-20
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2017-18
Class of 2019,
BEng in Civil and Structural Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Jakarta, Indonesia
Canisius College Senior High School, Jakarta, Indonesia

Have you ever experienced the thrill of standing in the middle of downtown Hong Kong Island, amidst all of those tall, strong skyscrapers and megastructures? And then you close your eyes, expecting total darkness and an absence of mind. But no! Your brain refuses. Your sensory, stimulated. Your imagination erupts. What there is to see: yourself vigorously and tirelessly erecting one of those giants you have seen earlier. All is vivid as ever even when your retina is numb without photons.

Hey, I am Bernad! And yes, although I might write the story hyperbolically, my enthusiasm about engineering, especially civil engineering, is very much there. In my experience, this is what it means to be an engineer. It is a very exhilarating, albeit challenging, way of life. Yes, a way of life, not only a mere job, but also a spirit! A spirit of problem solving, design thinking, and public service. Engineering is the right direction for those of you who love to enhance a product of the past, are passionate about innovating the future, and above all, adore the smiles of those people who benefit from your work! And of course to achieve all of these, education is important. This is what HKUST and its School of Engineering have provided me with all these years.

Lastly, if any of you are still uncertain about whether you are an engineer in your blood or are curious to learn more, don’t worry as that is the first step to become one already. Come and talk to me if you have any doubts.

To all of you future engineers out there: never forget to dream!