Raymond I-Tsun

Raymond I-Tsun CHENG
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2019-20
Class of 2022,
BEng in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Taipei, Taiwan
Shanghai High School International Division, China

Since childhood, I have been fascinated by science-fiction books and movies that entail the mystery of science and unlimited potential of technology. This interest evolved into passion when I learned my first programming language, C, and realized that I could build anything I desire with the tools at hand. The ability to utilize my creativity sparked me to choose Computer Science as my major at HKUST.

At HKUST, I enjoyed taking computer and math classes with my peers. They were intellectually challenging and forced me to push towards my limits to think and solve problems. In the spring semester of my first year, I took a course on Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing and fell in love with the way we humans teach machines to learn and process languages. As language is the fundamental basis of communication between people, it would be incredible if machines could  understand language the same way a human does. Hence, I find this topic very appealing to me, thanks to the NLP course.

I recommend students from all over the world to come to HKUST School of Engineering because of the top-notch education, amazing professors, diverse research areas, high-quality facilities and equipment, and incredibly talented peers. Even though I am still in my first year moving to the second, I feel that choosing Computer Science as my major will be one of the best decisions of my life.