Tongyi ZHANG 張統一
Tongyi ZHANG 張統一 Details

Scopus ID
First Name (and Middle Name If Any)
Highest Degree Acquired (e.g. PhD in Engineering Science)
PhD, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Contact Information
Scopus ID
Research Interests
Research Interests
Relationships of microstructure and properties in materials
Mechanical properties of materials
Surface stress and surface energy of solids
Defects of crystals
Fracture of piezoelectric materials
Micro/nanomechanics of materials
Materials science and mechanics of thin films
Research Area
Research Area
Nano Technology
Solid Mechanics
Advanced Materials & Technology
Environmental Engineering: Environmental Sustainability
Research Interests
Research Interests
Relationships of microstructure and properties in materials
Mechanical properties of materials
Surface stress and surface energy of solids
Defects of crystals
Fracture of piezoelectric materials
Micro/nanomechanics of materials
Materials science and mechanics of thin films
Research Area
Research Area
Nano Technology
Solid Mechanics
Advanced Materials & Technology
Environmental Engineering: Environmental Sustainability