Long QUAN 權龍

Long QUAN 權龍
Long QUAN 權龍 




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Scopus ID

First Name (and Middle Name If Any)
Highest Degree Acquired (e.g. PhD in Engineering Science)
PhD in Computer Science, INRIA

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Scopus ID

Research Interests

Research Interests
Computer vision



Long Quan received the PhD degree in Computer Science from INRIA, France, in 1989.  Before joining the Department of Computer Science at  the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2001, He has been a French CNRS senior research scientist at INRIA in Grenoble since 1990. His research interests focus on 3D Reconstruction, Structure from Motion, Vision Geometry, and Image-based Modeling.

He has served as an Associate Editor of PAMI (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence) and a Regional Editor of IVC (Image and Vision Computing Journal), and is currently an editorial board member of IJCV (the International Journal of Computer Vision), ELCVIA (the Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis), MVA (Machine Vision and Applications) and Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision.

He has served in the conference committees of ICCV (International Conference on Computer Vision), ECCV (European Conference on Computer Vision), and CVPR (IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) and ICPR (IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition). He served as a Program Chair of ICPR 2006 Computer Vision and Image Analysis, and is a General Chair of  the coming ICCV 2011 in Barcelona. He is an IEEE Fellow of the Computer Society.

Research Interests

Research Interests
Computer vision



Long Quan received the PhD degree in Computer Science from INRIA, France, in 1989.  Before joining the Department of Computer Science at  the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2001, He has been a French CNRS senior research scientist at INRIA in Grenoble since 1990. His research interests focus on 3D Reconstruction, Structure from Motion, Vision Geometry, and Image-based Modeling.

He has served as an Associate Editor of PAMI (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence) and a Regional Editor of IVC (Image and Vision Computing Journal), and is currently an editorial board member of IJCV (the International Journal of Computer Vision), ELCVIA (the Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis), MVA (Machine Vision and Applications) and Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision.

He has served in the conference committees of ICCV (International Conference on Computer Vision), ECCV (European Conference on Computer Vision), and CVPR (IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) and ICPR (IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition). He served as a Program Chair of ICPR 2006 Computer Vision and Image Analysis, and is a General Chair of  the coming ICCV 2011 in Barcelona. He is an IEEE Fellow of the Computer Society.