Gordon MCKAY

Gordon MCKAY Details

First Name (and Middle Name If Any)
Highest Degree Acquired (e.g. PhD in Engineering Science)
PhD, University of Bradford

Research Interests

Research Interests
Wastewater treatment for dyes and metals using adsorption
Ions exchange and ozonation
Biopolymers from crab and prawn shells
Processing design
Ions dioxin removal
MSW processing
Production of new adsorbents

Research Area

Research Area
Design and optimization of processes and products for environmental applications
Waste minimization
Energy recovery

Research Interests

Research Interests
Wastewater treatment for dyes and metals using adsorption
Ions exchange and ozonation
Biopolymers from crab and prawn shells
Processing design
Ions dioxin removal
MSW processing
Production of new adsorbents

Research Area

Research Area
Design and optimization of processes and products for environmental applications
Waste minimization
Energy recovery