Gang WANG 王剛
Gang WANG 王剛 Details

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Research Interests
Prof. Gang Wang is Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He obtained BEng and MEng from Department of Hydraulic Engineering at Tsinghua University in 1997 and 2000, respectively, and PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 2005. His major research interests are geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil dynamics and computational geomechanics. Research topics include strong motion characterization, physics-based earthquake simulation, soil liquefaction, nonlinear numerical modeling of soil-structure interaction, large-deformation analysis of coseismic landslides, micromechanics of particulate media. His research is supported by competitive research grants from Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He has been the principle investigator leading one NSFC/RGC joint research project and seven RGC General Research Funds.
Prof. Gang Wang is presently a President of Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, member of ISSMGE TC203 Technical Committee for Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Past President of ASCE Hong Kong Section. He currently serves as Associate Editor of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Advances in Structural Engineering, CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, and Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics. He was Conference Chair of The 1st International Symposium on Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Sustainability (2016), and Conference Co-Chair of the 1st ASCE Greater China Conference (2021). He was awarded Li Foundation Heritage Prize, Outstanding Overseas Scholar Award from National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017-18 HKUST School of Engineering Distinguished Teaching Award, and 2018-19 Mao Yisheng Youth Award in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, which is the highest honor to young researchers by Chinese Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Three of his supervised PhD students and Postdoc are enlisted into "National Thousand Youth Talents Program".
Research Interests
Prof. Gang Wang is Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He obtained BEng and MEng from Department of Hydraulic Engineering at Tsinghua University in 1997 and 2000, respectively, and PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 2005. His major research interests are geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil dynamics and computational geomechanics. Research topics include strong motion characterization, physics-based earthquake simulation, soil liquefaction, nonlinear numerical modeling of soil-structure interaction, large-deformation analysis of coseismic landslides, micromechanics of particulate media. His research is supported by competitive research grants from Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He has been the principle investigator leading one NSFC/RGC joint research project and seven RGC General Research Funds.
Prof. Gang Wang is presently a President of Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, member of ISSMGE TC203 Technical Committee for Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Past President of ASCE Hong Kong Section. He currently serves as Associate Editor of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Advances in Structural Engineering, CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, and Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics. He was Conference Chair of The 1st International Symposium on Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Sustainability (2016), and Conference Co-Chair of the 1st ASCE Greater China Conference (2021). He was awarded Li Foundation Heritage Prize, Outstanding Overseas Scholar Award from National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017-18 HKUST School of Engineering Distinguished Teaching Award, and 2018-19 Mao Yisheng Youth Award in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, which is the highest honor to young researchers by Chinese Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Three of his supervised PhD students and Postdoc are enlisted into "National Thousand Youth Talents Program".