Anthony Kwan LEUNG 梁鈞
Anthony Kwan LEUNG 梁鈞 Details

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Research Interests
Prof Anthony Leung is an Associate Professor and the Associate Director of the Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Prior to his appointment at HKUST in 2018, Prof Leung was a Senior Lecturer and had been working in the Discipline of Civil Engineering at the University of Dundee, UK for five years. His research focus is to investigate nature- and plant-based solutions in civil engineering applications. His expertise is soil bioengineering using plants, experimental unsaturated soil mechanics, root bio-hydro-mechanics and soil-vegetation-structure interaction. His research is funded by Hong Kong Research Grant Councils (RGC) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and previously by EPSRC, Royal Society and European Commission.
Prof. Leung is the awardee of the 2019 Excellent Youth Scholar (EYS; 優青) of the NSFC, 2019 Bright Spark Lecture Award of the ISSMGE and 2018 International Award for Innovation in Unsaturated Soil Mechanics from TC106 (Unsaturated Soils). He is the current Editor-in-Chief of the ISSMGE Bulletin, and is now serving the Editorial Boards of international journals, including Can. Geotech. J. and Landslides and multiple geotechnical journals of the Proc. of ICE.
Research Interests
Prof Anthony Leung is an Associate Professor and the Associate Director of the Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Prior to his appointment at HKUST in 2018, Prof Leung was a Senior Lecturer and had been working in the Discipline of Civil Engineering at the University of Dundee, UK for five years. His research focus is to investigate nature- and plant-based solutions in civil engineering applications. His expertise is soil bioengineering using plants, experimental unsaturated soil mechanics, root bio-hydro-mechanics and soil-vegetation-structure interaction. His research is funded by Hong Kong Research Grant Councils (RGC) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and previously by EPSRC, Royal Society and European Commission.
Prof. Leung is the awardee of the 2019 Excellent Youth Scholar (EYS; 優青) of the NSFC, 2019 Bright Spark Lecture Award of the ISSMGE and 2018 International Award for Innovation in Unsaturated Soil Mechanics from TC106 (Unsaturated Soils). He is the current Editor-in-Chief of the ISSMGE Bulletin, and is now serving the Editorial Boards of international journals, including Can. Geotech. J. and Landslides and multiple geotechnical journals of the Proc. of ICE.