Huamin QU 屈華民

Huamin QU 屈華民
Huamin QU 屈華民 




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First Name (and Middle Name If Any)
Highest Degree Acquired (e.g. PhD in Engineering Science)
PhD in Computer Science, The State University of New York at Stony Brook

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Research Interests

Research Interests
Artificial intelligence
Big data
Human-computer interaction
Information visualization
Mobile augmented reality



Huamin Qu is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His main research interests are in visualization and human-computer interaction, with focuses on urban informatics, social network analysis, e-learning, and text visualization. He has co-authored more than 100 refereed papers including 38 papers in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). His research has been recognized by many awards including 6 best paper/honorable mention awards, 2009 IBM Faculty Award, 2014 Higher Education Scientific and Technological Progress Award (Second Class) from the Ministry of Education of China, 2015 HKICT Best Innovation (Innovative Technology) Silver Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 2015 APICTA Merit Award in E-Learning from the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance, 2016 UROP faculty award, and 2016 Distinguished Collaborator Award from Huawei Nah's Ark Lab. He has graduated 10 PhDs and 14 Mphils. These students won awards like IBM PhD Fellowship, Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship, and HKUST SENG PhD Research Excellence Award. Two students have been selected by China's 1000 Talented Youth Program, which is one of the most prestigious talent programs for young scientists in China. He received a BS in Mathematics from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, an MS and a PhD (2004) in Computer Science from the Stony Brook University.

Research Interests

Research Interests
Artificial intelligence
Big data
Human-computer interaction
Information visualization
Mobile augmented reality



Huamin Qu is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His main research interests are in visualization and human-computer interaction, with focuses on urban informatics, social network analysis, e-learning, and text visualization. He has co-authored more than 100 refereed papers including 38 papers in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). His research has been recognized by many awards including 6 best paper/honorable mention awards, 2009 IBM Faculty Award, 2014 Higher Education Scientific and Technological Progress Award (Second Class) from the Ministry of Education of China, 2015 HKICT Best Innovation (Innovative Technology) Silver Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 2015 APICTA Merit Award in E-Learning from the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance, 2016 UROP faculty award, and 2016 Distinguished Collaborator Award from Huawei Nah's Ark Lab. He has graduated 10 PhDs and 14 Mphils. These students won awards like IBM PhD Fellowship, Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship, and HKUST SENG PhD Research Excellence Award. Two students have been selected by China's 1000 Talented Youth Program, which is one of the most prestigious talent programs for young scientists in China. He received a BS in Mathematics from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, an MS and a PhD (2004) in Computer Science from the Stony Brook University.