香港科技大学加入Partnership on AI 带领探讨因人工智能洐生的道德问题

香港科技大学加入Partnership on AI 带领探讨因人工智能洐生的道德问题

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冯雁教授(第三排右一)代表科大出席Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society於10月23日及24日在柏林所举办、为期两天的论坛,与全球专家就人工智能对安全及保安、劳工,以及有关科技对社会的影响等问题进行交流。(相片来源:Yann LeCun and Eric Horvitz)
冯雁教授(第三排右一)代表科大出席Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society於10月23日及24日在柏林所举办、为期两天的论坛,与全球专家就人工智能对安全及保安、劳工,以及有关科技对社会的影响等问题进行交流。(相片来源:Yann LeCun and Eric Horvitz) [Download Photo]

香港科技大学(科大)最近加入了国际性非牟利合作组织 — Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society (PAI) — 推动人工智能在亚洲区的发展之餘,亦确保其引申的道德、安全、保安、私隐、透明度以及公平性问题得到重视。 由包括亚马逊、谷歌、脸书与微软等科技公司巨头所创立,PAI近日邀请科大以及其他国际知名学术机构如牛津大学网路研究院,和普林斯顿大学资讯科技政策中心等出任为其成员,科大是首个加入PAI的亚洲机构。



作为PAI唯一的华裔成员,冯教授在会议中提出建立一个亚洲分会,以促进人工智能的道德发展。 随着人口老化和技术的迅速演化,亚洲 — 尤其是中国、南韩和日本,已成为人工智能创新的主要动力之一,当中中国所拥有的庞大用户群以及包括由科大训练出来的大量工程人才,更另它迅速冒升为人工智能的超级大国。冯教授在论坛上提出,人工智能现有的道德标準,必须转化为对不同国家的文化及歷史背景具敏感度的应用指引,以促进全球人工智能社区的道德发展。


About Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society (只有英文)
The Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society (Partnership on AI) is a not-for-profit organization, founded by Amazon, Apple, Google/DeepMind, Facebook, IBM and Microsoft. Our goals are to study and formulate best practices on the development, testing, and fielding of AI technologies, advancing the public’s understanding of AI, to serve as an open platform for discussion and engagement about AI and its influences on people and society and identify and foster aspirational efforts in AI for socially beneficial purposes. We actively designed the Partnership on AI to bring together a diverse range of voices from for-profit and non-profit, all of whom share our belief in the tenets and are committed to collaboration and open dialogue on the many opportunities and rising challenges around AI. For the full list of founding members and partners, go to
