In Focus - Issue 35 (Spring 2023)

KUST Industry Engagement Day was successfully held at HKUST’s Shaw Auditorium and Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study in November . The event brought together University innovators with diverse sectors of the community to explore opportunities and open pathways for University-industry collaborations that can transfer campus research and development to impactful applications in society and spur Hong Kong’s drive to become a global innovation and technology hub. The all-day event showcased over HKUST technologies, including many from the School of Engineering, and drew hundreds of potential investors, executives, entrepreneurs, government o cials, representatives of the European Union and di erent consulates-general, members of business chambers, and the academic and technology sectors. Research areas covered sustainability and smart living; medical and biotechnology; big data, ntech, AI and robotics; and semiconductors, sensors and microelectronics. Prof. SUN Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, HKSAR Government, HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP, and Vice-President for Research and Development Prof. Tim CHENG spoke at the event. Activities included a symposium, seminars, innovation showcases, and guided tours. With HKUST’s entrepreneurial culture and strong network of over local, regional and international industrial and government partners, the University community has helped foster over , active start-up companies, including nine unicorns and nine initial public o ering (IPO) companies, resulting in economic impact of over HK$ billion. H Transforming research into social impact HKUST INDUSTRY ENGAGEMENT DAY Connecting Up Novel sensors monitoring indoor air quality (main picture); water sampling utilizing a hexacopter drone (above, top); human-computer interaction for robot sensing and medical evaluation (above).