05 IN FOCUS SENG has shown its on-going attainment in a demanding local research assessment exercise and global rankings. Driving engineering higher he School of Engineering (SENG)’s on-going high performance has attained signi cant recognition in two diverse quality indicators. The School achieved outstanding results in multiple disciplines in the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) , the most recent of these demanding exercises carried out periodically by Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee. The RAE assesses the performance of the city’s eight publicly funded universities to encourage world-class research and drive excellence, using international benchmarks to delineate universities’ areas of relative strength. Results for RAE , released in , showed HKUST ranked rst for * (world leading) research activities in three out of ve Units of Assessment involving engineering disciplines: chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, other technologies & marine engineering; civil engineering & building technology; and electrical & electronic engineering. In the four broader-based Panels related to engineering, the School led the way in research work assessed to be * in built environment and electrical & electronic engineering. In addition, % of SENG’s research impact cases received either * (outstanding) or * (considerable) impact in reach and signi cance, an indication of the School’s endeavors to transfer its research into innovation in society. Examples included a smart antimicrobial coating for surface disinfection and air ltration, a technology that has since gone on to play a major part in the community’s battle against COVID- , as well as green technologies for mitigating landslide risks. Around SENG academic sta were involved in submissions for RAE . In the University overall, eligible sta took part in Units of Assessment involving nine Panels. A total of impact cases were submitted. Later the same year, in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject, HKUST was globally ranked No. in computer science, a jump of ve places from the previous year, and No. 8 in engineering. In Hong Kong, the University remained at the forefront in these subject rankings, achieving the No. spot in computer science for the sixth year in a row and in engineering for the eleventh consecutive year. Global campus recognized got o to a flying start in January, with HKUST named the third most international university in a ranking published by Times Higher Education. The World’s Most International Universities list looked at the proportion of international sta and students, co-authored publications, and reputation. At HKUST, more than one-third of the student body is considered international, with around 6 nationalities represented. Some % of faculty come from outside Hong Kong, while the University’s network of over institutional academic and research partners provide numerous exchange, research, and internship opportunities. More than % of students undertake an exchange and around % take part in regional and global internships. T