30 IN FOCUS Achievements & Appointments Prof. YANG Qiang, Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He was also elected a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. Prof. Yang is a world leader and pioneer in the arti cial intelligence elds of transfer learning and federated learning, as well as automated planning and case-based reasoning. Prof. Pascale FUNG, Electronic and Computer Engineering, has been elected a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Arti cial Intelligence “for signi cant contributions to the eld of conversational AI and to the development of ethical AI principles and algorithms”. She was one of only Fellows elected. Administrative Prof. Tim CHENG Kwang-Ting Appointed Vice-President for Research and Development (e ective April , ) Chair Professor, joint position in Electronic & Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering Prof. Bert SHI Appointed Acting Dean of Engineering (e ective April , ) Professor, Electronic and Computer Engineering Prof. MOWWai-Ho Appointed Associate Dean of Engineering (Undergraduate Studies) Professor, Electronic and Computer Engineering Prof. WANG Yu-Hsing Appointed Associate Dean of Engineering (Undergraduate Studies) Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Prof. ZHANG Jiheng Appointed Head of Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Professor, joint position in Industrial Engineering & Decision Analytics and Mathematics Prof. QU Huamin Appointed Head of Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas Director of Interdisciplinary Programs O ce Chair Professor, joint position in Computer Science & Engineering and Electronic & Computer Engineering Faculty Prof. CAO Xuanyu Assistant Professor, Electronic and Computer Engineering PhD – University of Maryland Prof. CHEN Yangyang Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering PhD – University of Missouri New appointments Prof. ZHANG Jun, Electronic and Computer Engineering, has been elected a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), bringing the number of IEEE Fellows among School of Engineering faculty to . Prof. Zhang was recognized for his contributions to dense wireless networks. Prof. Man WONG, Electronic and Computer Engineering, has been awarded the Slottow-Owaki Prize by the Society for Information Display. The award honors outstanding contributions to the education and training of students or professionals in the electronic display eld. Prof. Wong is a leading gure in the display industry with proli c work in the area of thin- lm transistors. He is HKUST’s third recipient of the prize.