In Focus - Issue 32 (Spring 2020)

26 IN FOCUS Honors & Remembrance Global recognition cont. from P In memoriam The School of Engineering is deeply saddened to report that Michael NG Kwok-Hing ( BEng in Civil Engineering) has died following a tra c accident in Hong Kong on April , . Michael was employed as an assistant engineer at Wong & Cheng Consulting Engineers Ltd., a civil, structural, and geotechnical engineering consultancy. A keen sportsman at HKUST, he was a former member of the University’s distance running and rowing teams. Michael had maintained close ties with HKUST since graduation, attending many alumni events and continuing to represent the University in sporting activities as an alumnus. He will be greatly missed. Alumni Dr. ZHANG Xiaowu ( PhD in Mechanical Engineering) and Prof. Angela ZHANG Yingjun ( PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering) have been elected Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellows, the highest grade of membership in the prestigious worldwide professional association. Xiaowu was accorded the recognition for his contributions to three-dimensional integrated circuits. He is a senior scientist and principal investigator for the Interconnection & Packaging Program, Institute of Microelectronics, at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). A*STAR is Singapore’s major public agency for spurring scienti c discovery and innovative technologies. Yingjun, now an associate professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, received the accolade for her contributions to resource allocation and optimization in wireless communications. IEEE membership stands at more than , globally, covering more than countries. Each year, fellowship recipients do not exceed . % of the total voting IEEE membership. In addition to her self-initiative and drive, being an optimist has always kept Dan moving forward. “There might be painful experiences that drove me to tears, but the next morning I forgot about them and started anew. Hurdles are only meant to be inspirational,” she said. As an example, while her parents in Shaanxi were concerned that going back to study might make it di cult to keep up her mortgage repayments on her flat in Shenzhen, she herself felt con dent to try. “I might be slightly older than other PhD students, but I have learned to solve problems. Other people may feel the pressure, but I like nding solutions.” Su Dan with her winning team at the Chatbot Millionaire Challenge in Hong Kong.