In Focus - Issue 30 (Spring 2019)

23 IN FOCUS Driving forward the future here was an early introduction to life in the fast lane at the School of Engineering (SENG) when over secondary school students set to work on building – and later driving! – their own electric vehicles on campus. The four-day summer program brought together students from Queen’s College, Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School, Immaculate Heart of Mary College, St. Mary’s Canossian College and HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School. It was co-organized by the Academy for Bright Future Young Engineers, established under the School, and CLP Holdings Limited. Working in teams and assisted by SENG undergraduates and sta , participants sought to build an operable vehicle, vying to outshine other cars on aesthetics, engineering and overall performance. They also visited CLP’s electric vehicle fleet and the CLP Power Low Carbon Energy Education Centre. At the end of the program, the championship was awarded to Immaculate Heart of Mary College for being the quickest to complete laps of the track in their vehicle. Team leader HO Ching-Kan said they had learned a great deal about cooperation from the teamwork involved, from the allocation of jobs to suit members’ di erent abilities to recognition of the importance of communication. Although each day had its challenges, taking their electric car nally out on the track was “really exciting”, he said. The Academy for Bright Future Young Engineers is funded by the Bright Future Charitable Foundation, founded and chaired by Prof. Roy CHUNG. The student-centered platform seeks to bring authentic, innovative, hands-on engineering experiences to high school learners and to inspire them to embrace an engineer’s mindset. Following an initial donation in , Prof. Chung recently pledged a further gi to support the Academy for another two years. Prof. Chung also joined the judging panel for the electric vehicle program contest. Other judges included Dean of Engineering Prof. Tim CHENG, Senior Advisor – Strategy, CLP Power, and Director of Smart Charge Mr. CHOW Tang-Fai, and Associate Professor of Engineering Education and Associate Director of the Academy for Bright Future Young Engineers Prof. Ben CHAN. T A touch of color. Ready to roll: (from left) contest judges Prof. Tim Cheng, Prof. Roy Chung, Mr. Chow Tang-Fai and Prof. Ben Chan.