In Focus - Issue 30 (Spring 2019)

10 IN FOCUS or a researcher dedicated to pushing the frontiers of machine motion and dexterity, it is tting that Prof. LI Zexiang’s own life should be one constantly on the move. The electronic and computer engineering front-runner was among the earliest Mainland China students to study robotics as it took o in leading US research universities in the s. He was a driving force behind DJI and is still the company chairman of what has rapidly become the world’s largest consumer drone group, with over % market share. Now the indefatigable academic is again setting his sights sky high as a leading contributor to the hi-tech start-up ecosystem being powered forward in southern China’s Greater Bay Area, a region comprising Hong Kong, Macau, and nine neighboring cities in the Pearl River Delta. F Cover Story Robotics comes of age Prof. Li Zexiang is an academic-entrepreneur with a mission to incubate human creative talents and next-generation companies to speed the age of smart automation