In Focus - Issue 29 (Spring 2018)

Prof Mansun Chan, Electronic and Computer Engineering, received the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) Education Award. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology and the award is EDS’s highest accolade for contributions to electron and ion-based device education. What makes a great educator? “Instilling the desire to learn,” according to Prof Chan. Prof Pascale Fung, Electronic and Computer Engineering, was presented with the th Outstanding Women Professionals Award from the Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association. The triennial honors recognize high-achieving women in Hong Kong who have made signi cant contributions to their professions. Prof Fung is an expert in arti cial intelligence and a long-time advocate for women’s rights and diversity in academia and society. Prof Kei May Lau, Fang Professor of Engineering and Chair Professor of Electronic and Computer Engineering, received the IEEE Photonics Society Aron Kressel Award, which recognizes individuals who have made important contributions to opto-electronic device technology. Prof Lau was cited for her research into compound semiconductor materials and devices, which has had “a major and singular impact on today’s high-performance and energy-saving photonics technologies, ranging from lasers for ubiquitous communication to energy-e cient displays and lighting”. Prof Guanghao Chen, Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has become an inaugural recipient of the National Innovation Pioneer Award, established by the Chinese government in . Prof Chen has invented a series of cutting-edge water management and wastewater treatment technologies, including membrane-enhanced primary treatment, seawater-based urine phosphorus recovery, and sulphate reduction, autotrophic denitri cation and nitri cation integrated processes. He also leads projects using saline water as an alternative water resource. Prof Chen was the only awardee from Hong Kong. Prof Pan Hui, Computer Science and Engineering, has been elected a IEEE Fellow for his contributions to social-based opportunistic networks. The award is the world-leading technical organization’s highest grade of membership. There are now School of Engineering academics in total holding IEEE Fellowship. Prof Ching W Tang, IAS Bank of East Asia Professor and Chair Professor of Electronic and Computer Engineering, has been inducted into the US National Inventors Hall of Fame for his ground-breaking research on organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). His seminal research has enabled the advancement of flat-screen displays in computers and televisions, among others. Prof Tang is also the recipient of the Wolf Prize in Chemistry and IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal. 34 IN FOCUS Honors & Appointments Faculty awards & achievements