In Focus - Issue 29 (Spring 2018)

09 IN FOCUS Characterizing the properties of e-fuels. Prof Tianshou Zhao (center) and researchers test e-fuel cells using a model car. Fresh light on our sustainable future This University-wide multidisciplinary platform, led by Prof Tianshou Zhao, encompasses close to core and a liated faculty members, integrating and enabling energy-related research, development and education. Members of the Institute are investigating sustainable energy production, energy storage, and conservation, including biofuels, next-generation solar cells, Li-based batteries, energy-e cient technologies for green buildings and energy policy, among other areas. In addition, the Institute has developed Hong Kong’s rst bachelor program in sustainable energy engineering. The inaugural cohort will begin their studies in Fall . The HKUST Energy Institute 香港科大能源研究院 In , he then swapped this fruitful and beautiful environment for another at HKUST, which was closer to his home town of Xian and o ered the freedom to explore his life’s goal of that net zero sustainable energy community. It has been time well spent as he has gradually built up a unique body of knowledge that may hold a vital key to unlocking the greater adoption of renewables. In charting the genesis of his e-fuel storage system, Prof Zhao explained: “I had been mulling over and gradually piecing together all the knowledge I had gained over the past two decades and realized this was an exciting way to really drive such research and development forward. If we can realize our goals with our e-fuel storage system, we can really put Hong Kong on the map as a sustainable energy city.” From basic research to visionary applications and education, the HKUST Energy Institute is advancing alternative solutions.