In Focus - Issue 28 (Fall 2016)

Grand 25th Anniversary Reunion in San Francisco The event was one of four HKUST global gatherings arranged in di erent parts of the world to enable alumni and friends to share the University’s th Anniversary. In addition, members of SENG made visits to alumni now based in San Francisco, including those at Google Inc, Apple Inc, Facebook, Stanford University and University of California, San Francisco. major global alumni event, organized by the School of Engineering (SENG) and HKUST, was held in San Francisco in February as part of the University’s worldwide commemorative activities for its th Anniversary. Of the alumni, friends, faculty and students who attended the special seminar and dinner, around % of alumni came from SENG. The celebration was led by HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan, who spoke on the latest developments at the University, including tri-modal education and new facilities such as the Water Sports Center, and its on-going high rankings in di erent international surveys. Prof Tim Kwang Ting Cheng, then Dean of Engineering Designate, spoke on the School’s milestones and latest success stories while guest speaker Dr Christopher Nguyen, Co-Founder and CEO of Arimo (see also P ) and former SENG faculty member, gave a talk on “Innovation: Silicon Valley vs China – What It Means for HKUST”. Three SENG faculty members also gave presentations on aviation education and research, arti cial intelligence and data science, and robotics. Joining the grand occasion were Mr Bill Coughran, Partner, Sequoia Capital, and Prof Cindy Fan, Vice Provost for International Studies and Global Engagement, University of California, Los Angeles, among other guests, as well as a number of ex-faculty members, including Drs Emily Au, Aaron Buchwald, Paul Chang, Yang Leng, Curtis Ling and K C Smith. A Renewing Ties at IELM Gala ver Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management (IELM) alumni, faculty, current students and sta congregated on campus in February for the IELM Alumni Dinner cum Annual Gala . The lively occasion brought together friends and enabled participants to meet new people. Prof Siu Wing Cheng, Associate Dean of Engineering (Undergraduate Studies), and Prof Guillermo Gallego, Head of IELM, both spoke at the gathering. Saxophone and piano performances by IELM students, a lucky draw, and group photo-taking were also on the program. The memorable evening saw alumni catch up with professors and sta and helped students to network with alumni mentors to learn more about professional life. O 32 IN FOCUS