In Focus - Issue 28 (Fall 2016)

26 IN FOCUS Visiting Scholar Dr Wei Han, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, received Innovation and Technology Support Programme funding of HK$ . million for his project exploring an “Ionic Liquid Filtration System for Air Puri cation and Disinfection”. His co-investigators are Prof King Lun Yeung, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Prof Joseph K C Kwan, Director of HKUST’s Health, Safety and Environment O ce. Three papers by Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE) PhD students and other members of ECE were given at the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), the premier forum for presentations on advances in solid-state circuits and systems-on-a-chip. The papers were titled “A . µs-Settling-Time rd-Order . GHz Phase-Noise-Rejection PLL Using a Cascaded Time-Ampli ed Clock-Skew Sub-Sampling DLL” by PhD student Zhiqiang Huang and Prof Howard Luong, “An . GHz- . GHz Transmitter with . -dBm Output Power and . % E ciency in nm CMOS” by PhD alumnus Yue Chao and Prof Luong, and “A . MHz 6W Wireless Power Receiver with a -Level X/½X/ X Recon gurable Resonant Regulating Recti er” by PhD student Lin Cheng, computer engineers Yat To Wong, Tak Sang Yim, Prof Wing Hung Ki and Prof Chi Ying Tsui. PhD student Yu Li, Electronic and Computer Engineering, won the Best Paper Award at the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference in Hong Kong. Her winning paper, supervised by Prof Andrew Poon, was titled “Actively Stabilized Silicon Microrings Integrated with Surface-State-Absorption Photomonitors at nm Using a Slope-Detection Method”. The signi cance of Yu’s work saw the award upgraded from Best Student Paper to Best Paper. The conference is the largest in the region on optical communication, photonics, and relevant technologies. PhD student Wei Jiang, Electronic and Computer Engineering, received the Best Paper Award at the Fourteenth Asia Paci c Bioinformatics Conference in San Francisco. The paper, co-authored by Prof Weichuan Yu, focused on “Power Estimation and Sample Size Determination for Replication Studies of Genome Wide Association Studies”. The conference is the leading annual gathering for international research, development and novel applications in bioinformatics. PhD student Liwen Jing, Electronic and Computer Engineering, won rst place at the IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium Student Paper Competition for her paper on “Fabrication and Measurement of Millimeter-Wave On-Chip MIMO Antenna for CMOS RFIC’s”. The symposium takes place annually in China providing a platform for the latest technical accomplishments in microwave circuits, hardware and radio frequency (RF) systems focused on physical layer aspects of current and emerging wireless systems. MSc students Lixie Hu, Xiaoyang Liu and Hao Lu, all Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, received the Global Youth Innovator Award at the iCAN Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, US, for their De-snore invention. The students’ innovative system uses a low-cost MEMS microphone to collect audio signals from people su ering from obstructive sleep apnea. The smart sensor system can detect the severity of the disease, monitor sleep quality, and send email and SMS alerts to su erers should dangerous obstructive sleep apnea situations be tracked. It was the second year that School of Engineering students won this award. Student & Researcher Honors, Awards & Achievements