In Focus - Issue 28 (Fall 2016)

..................................................................................................................................... Second runner-up Perfuso set out a novel technology that reduces the side e ects of dialysis, lowers bio-waste, and halves treatment time and cost. The ve-member cross-disciplinary SENG team also won the Trade Show award. For the rst time, the top prize-winning teams then had the opportunity to compete in a Grand Final at the HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute in Nansha, Guangzhou, following this year’s extension of the One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition to cover a total of ve cities in China. More than teams joined the contest from Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macau and Hong Kong, with the three winners in each city participating in the nal. he 6th Annual HKUST One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition brought triple success for the School of Engineering (SENG), with all three top winning teams featuring SENG students or alumni. Sundial Technology, comprising three SENG students and a HKUST Business School student, won the President’s Prize for their anti-reflection and self-cleaning lm to enhance the performance of solar panels. The team also collected the Innovation Prize and Student Prize. First runner-up NeoForest, involving two SENG alumni and a Shanghai Jiao Tong University student, developed an air puri er providing forest-grade air to indoor environments. T Leading-Edge Enterprise to the Fore 23 IN FOCUS Novel Technologies Recognized at National Challenge Cup team of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering undergraduates became multiple award-winners at the th National Challenge Cup. The nationwide contest, known as “The Olympiad for University Students”, is one of the leading contests for young innovators in China. Renjing Huang, Po Sang Lo and Chun Ki Yeung received a Grand Prize, First Prize in the new Theme-based Competition focused in its inaugural year on “Smart Green Cities”, and Second Prize in the Hong Kong Regional Competition for their novel “Graphene Membrane for Seawater Desalination” invention. The students were supervised by Prof Zhengtang Luo. The team’s project involved designing and fabricating graphene-based membranes through ltration-facilitated assembly. Their prototype for desalination also sought to overcome problems associated with other technologies, including bio lm formation and low permeate flux. The th National Challenge Cup attracted , project entries from around the country, with less than chosen to appear in the Grand Final and only receiving the highest award of Grand Prize. The contest was co-hosted by Guangdong University of Technology and HKUST, the rst time a university from Hong Kong had been involved in this way. Three other HKUST teams received honors in the competition. Undergraduate Xiyuan Liu, Electronic and Computer Engineering, gained a Second Class Award for his “Remotely Operated Vehicle Based on Robot Operating System”, PhD student Zengshun Chen and undergraduate Hoi Yin Yung, Civil and Environmental Engineering, received a Second Class Award for “A New Pressure-Aeroelastic Hybrid Wind Tunnel Test Device and Technique” and undergraduates Xinzhu Liu, Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management, Zhiyu Chen, Finance, Yangyang Duan, Life Science, secured a Third Class Award for “Real-Time Display of Machine Status”. A