In Focus - Issue 27 (Fall 2015)

he School of Engineering Alumni Family Fun Day was held on campus in April , with over engineering alumni, faculty, and their families joining the happy occasion and more than people attending in total. The day enabled alumni to reminisce with fellow classmates and professors, share recent news and enjoy a relaxed and fun- lled a ernoon in nice weather with their families at their alma mater. Meanwhile, a variety of games and activities kept youngsters busy, including an Imagination Playground play system and educational building kit Rigamajig (小小工程師), which allowed children to build robots, cars, and spaceships using planks, wheels, pulleys, nuts and bolts and learn about engineering through play. Alumni welcomed the idea of further family events. Family Fun Day Proves a Winner for All Ages T ver alumni and current students met up with friends and had the opportunity to expand networks at the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management Annual Reunion in March . All attendees were warmly welcomed by Dual Degree Program Co-director Prof Chi Ming Chan and Director of Interdisciplinary Programs O ce Prof King L Chow. Two insightful advisory sessions run by alumni speakers were also held in Spring and Fall terms respectively. The Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management Alumni Association held the rst session at HKUST Business School Central, where alumni from the Class of to Class of shared their di erent work experiences since graduation. In the second session held in Fall, dual degree alumni focused on students’ frequently pondered question of whether to choose business or engineering as a career path. The event took place in the Interdisciplinary Programs O ce Learning Commons. These gatherings provided a great opportunity for alumni and students to get to know and inspire each other through lively discussions. O Renewing Bonds at Happy Hour Gatherings Two alumni happy hour gatherings were organized in March and June providing opportunities for graduates to catch up with professors and fellow classmates, learn about the School’s latest news, and share work experiences and personal development. The rst get-together, held at Hong Kong Science Park, brought together Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, and Electronic and Computer Engineering alumni. The second took place at Festival Walk in Kowloon Tong and encompassed Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering alumni. On both occasions, the School’s Associate Deans, Department Heads as well as other faculty members participated, providing a warm welcome to all alumni. The success of the events will see similar activities organized in the future. 29 IN FOCUS .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................. Dual Degree Reunion and Career Advisory Sessions Strengthen Ties