In Focus - Issue 27 (Fall 2015)

amantha Wing Man Kong, BEng Chemical and Environmental Engineering, has published a book of stories about School of Engineering graduates and students to inspire secondary school students to take up engineering. The book, titled “誰說Engineering是水泡科” (“Who Says Engineering is Second Best”) and published in Chinese in , features people from di erent engineering disciplines, who dispel myths about the eld and expand on the opportunities it o ers. Alumni appearing in the book work in education, engineering companies, government, or have started their own businesses. They explain why they took up engineering and talk about university life as well as discussing work experiences. Samantha has self-funded publication, with all proceeds from sales being donated to HKUST as a thank you for her all-round education at the University. During her undergraduate days, Samantha successfully pursued numerous activities in addition to her degree. These included co-founding social enterprise Eldpathy, going on exchange to Stanford, attending the G Youth Summit in St Petersburg, Russia, becoming the University’s Head Student Ambassador, and gaining community recognition as a Hong Kong Top Outstanding Youth and Social Service Award recipient. She has also undertaken a United Nations internship in New York and, in February , was one of four young people chosen to talk with Mr Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba, on the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. She is now working as a Graduate Environmental Engineer for an international consultancy and recently received the Trainee of the Year Award by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. ver Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management (IELM) faculty members, sta , alumni and current students gathered at HKUST on March , for the IELM Alumni Dinner cum Annual Gala . Prof Chi Ying Tsui, Associate Dean of Engineering (Undergraduate Studies), joined the special occasion, providing an update for alumni on the latest School of Engineering and HKUST developments, as well as future plans and alumni activities for the University’s th anniversary in . Following this, Prof Fugee Tsung, then Head of IELM Department, gave a welcome speech to alumni and industry guests. He also took the opportunity to express his gratitude to Prof Mitchell Tseng, Founding Head, and Prof Neville Lee, Founding Associate Head, of the IELM Department, for their immense work on behalf of the department over many years. Individual plaques were presented to both academics to recognize their contributions. Other highlights included group photos, a magic show and singing by IELM students, and a lucky draw. 28 IN FOCUS IELM Department Celebrates Togetherness O Alumni Honors, Awards & Achievements Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering alumni Dr Xiaowu Zhang, PhD, and Dr Je ery Lo, PhD, have received the IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society’s Exceptional Technical Achievement Award and Outstanding Young Engineer Award respectively. Dr Zhang received his award for . D/ D IC integration, focusing primarily on micro bump solder joint reliability, process development and stress sensor technology. Dr Lo was recognized for his contributions to LED packaging development, component reliability assessment, and industry and professional support. Prof Jiangchuan Liu, PhD Computer Science, has been awarded a prestigious E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The Fellowships aim at enhancing the career development of outstanding Canadian university academics, with an international reputation for original research. Jiangchuan is currently a University Professor at Simon Fraser University. He will spend two years investigating how massive media content can be e ciently generated, processed, and distributed through crowdsourcing and among consumers via the latest social, mobile, and cloud computing and communication platforms. Book on SENG Alumni and Students Gives Inspiration to Young Engineers S .....................................................................................................................................