Exploring Different Keynote Highlights Fuel Cells in Quest for Cleaner Energy The variety of career options open to School of Engineering research postgraduates was the focus of an informative sharing session in March , in which three guest speakers from di erent elds discussed opportunities for employment in and outside academia. The RPg Lunch Conversation on Exploring Di erent Career Paths was organized by the Center for Engineering Education Innovation (E I) as part of the Center’s professional development program for postgraduates. Speaking at the session were Ms Anna Champion, Founding Member of the South East Asian Association of Graduate Employers, Ir Chi Chiu Chan, Senior Vice President (now President) of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and Prof Raymond Wong, Director of the School’s Computer Engineering Program. The three presenters shared their career development experience and advised students on how to choose a career direction, prepare for job interviews and workplace requirements, as well as adapt to di erent work environments and cultures. Career Paths P achieved through an innovative interdisciplinary approach combining thermofluids science and electrochemistry. Issues and practicalities related to these fuel cells and advanced batteries were explored and collaborative ways of moving forward emphasized. During his years at HKUST, Prof Zhao has made further global contributions in multi-scale multiphase heat and mass transport with electrochemical reactions, and computational modeling. He is a recipient of two State Natural Science Awards, the ASME Fellowship Award, and a Croucher Senior Research Fellowship Award. He was named a Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering by Thomson Reuters in both and . The keynote attracted an audience of , including academics of other institutions, government representatives, industry members, faculty members and students. rof Tianshou Zhao, Chair Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, gave a thought-provoking keynote lecture, titled “Innovating Energy Technologies through an Interdisciplinary Approach”, as the recipient of the School of Engineering’s Distinguished Research Excellence Award . Prof Zhao, who is also the Director of the HKUST Energy Institute and a Senior Fellow of the HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, is a world-leading researcher in clean energy generation and energy storage devices. The School’s excellence award recognizes an eminent faculty member with outstanding research achievements of global and local impact. It is the School’s highest award and the invitation to give a public keynote lecture forms a signi cant part of the accolade. In his keynote, Prof Zhao highlighted the complexity of adjusting our established patterns of energy production, and the crucial need for us to do so through the adoption of renewables. He introduced his ndings on fuel cell technologies and redox flow battery storage research, 18 IN FOCUS