In Focus - Issue 27 (Fall 2015)

Student Perspectives: Hear from MSc students who went on this internship last year! Why did you participate in this internship? “The MSc program has taught me the theory, and the internship o ered me hands-on experience in applying the theory.” -Chunxu Wang What did this learning experience teach you? “I believe the hands-on experience from this internship and exposure to working in a multicultural environment will greatly benefit my future career.” -Yizhi Jiang “This internship o ered a slow transit point from studying as a student to working. It taught me more about living independently, communication with others, and working as part of a group - skills that will be useful in the workplace.” -Weiyan Jiang “It was an opportunity to grow as an individual. I improved my communication and organizational skills through working as a team. I also improved my analytical skills through analyzing my experimental results.” -Run Tian “I discovered that I am very interested in this eld and I would like to nd a job in this area!” -Tongyu Liu Why did you participate in this internship? “It provided an excellent insight into what a research career or a PhD program would be like.” -Anand Sreeram What did this learning experience teach you? “I had the opportunity to use sophisticated equipment during my research project. I believe it was very bene cial to learn these experimental techniques and material characterization methods. This knowledge is invaluable particularly to young scientists. The research aspects of the internship will certainly assist my future assignments or prospects.” -Anand Sreeram What impact did you make to your lab? “The project that I began in Spain will be continued by other members of the research team. They are con dent that they can produce a conference paper or publication soon about this subject.” -Anand Sreeram “For example, I explored a novel algorithm for wireless nodes to self-locate their position in a process called cooperative localization. This was an unfamiliar direction for the laboratory. Based on the results that I collected, they decided to proceed in this direction.” -Xufei Zheng The Academic Route Career-Orientated (From le , front row) Prof Miguel Angel Bañares, former Deputy Vice-President of Scienti c Programming, CSIC; Ms María Colmenares, Coordinator of Postgraduate and Specialization Department, CSIC; Prof King Lun Yeung, Associate Dean of Engineering (Research and Graduate Studies), HKUST; Prof Antonio Javier Sánchez Herencia, Deputy Vice-President of Scienti c Programming, CSIC; Prof Pascual Campoy, Director, Computer Vision Group, Center for Automatics and Robotics, Joint Venture Technical University Madrid-UPM and CSIC; Prof Angel Alvarez, Associate Vice-Rector for International Relations with Asia UPM Madrid; ( rst le , back row) Ms Diana Liu, Head of Communications and External A airs, School of Engineering, HKUST; ( rst right, back row) Ms Mandy Sin, Executive O cer of MSc and Professional Programs, School of Engineering, HKUST; and MSc students in the CSIC internship program