In Focus - Issue 27 (Fall 2015)

pilot research internship program was inaugurated in early between HKUST School of Engineering and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Spain. With a desire to promote scienti c, academic and cultural exchanges between the two institutions, over internship positions were o ered from CSIC’s state-of-the-art national laboratories. Eight Master of Science (MSc) students from the MSc Programs in Civil Infrastructural Engineering and Management (CIEM), Environmental Engineering and Management (EVEM), Intelligent Building Technology and Management (IBTM), IC Design Engineering (ICDE), Mechanical Engineering (MECH) and Telecommunications (Telecom) took the opportunity to live and work in Spain for six months under this inaugural program. CSIC is the largest public research institution in Spain and the third largest in Europe, boasting leading research under a wide breadth of elds from the humanities to chemical science. It has eight elds of knowledge and researchers. As national labs with sophisticated equipment, CSIC has deep-seated connections with Spanish universities across the country. The program saw the students travel to Madrid, Seville, and Oviedo to conduct research in mechanical exoskeletons, cooperative indoor personal localization, and autonomous navigation for quadcopters, among others. Experiencing the Spanish culture, language, and lifestyle was another highlight of the internship. Research groups selected to host the MSc students were composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds. The cosmopolitan environment was excellent training for the researchers and students in their research or career development. Students also made a mark on cutting-edge research. Their labs found HKUST’s student interns to be excellent and creative researchers making important and meaningful contributions in advancing the eld of their study. In many cases, their works have provided invaluable experimental evidence and have driven the direction of the research. HKUST’s rst internship link with the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientí cas, CSIC) in Spain was established in , o ering Master of Science students research exposure in the largest research network in Spain A CSIC headquarters in Madrid, Spain Prof King Lun Yeung, Associate Dean of Engineering (Research and Graduate Studies), HKUST, and Prof Antonio Javier Sánchez Herencia, Deputy Vice-President of Scienti c Programming, CSIC Engineering Students Take Internship @CSIC