In Focus - Issue 27 (Fall 2015)

8 IN FOCUS eld, and facilitating a two-week on-the-job training program at HAECO last summer. I am also a student member of the Royal Aeronautical Society, which holds monthly evening lectures and invites professionals to speak on more technical topics. While some parts of the discussion involve specialist knowledge, these talks have helped me to deepen my understanding of aviation. was really thrilled to nd out I would be one of the rst batch of students to be admitted to HKUST’s Aerospace Engineering major as it has always been my dream to become a professional in this eld. In my rst semester, I enrolled in several fundamental courses with other students from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. These were not speci c to aerospace and aeronautics but have provided a crucial foundation for my higher-level studies. I am looking forward to tackling subjects such as Aircra Structure and Aerodynamics in the future, and working hard to strengthen my basic knowledge in preparation for these harder courses. I have dreamt of being an aircra maintenance engineer since I was young. It amazes me that such huge planes can fly through the air and carry so many passengers. Learning about the care required to design a machine that combines so many small but essential components is also fascinating. Many people dream of sitting in the pilot’s seat, with its extraordinary bird’s eye view of the world. However, I am more interested in the technology and mechanics operating behind the scenes, and ensuring the safety of every aircra and its passengers. To widen my perspective of the aviation industry, I am currently taking part in the Aircra Engineer Development Scheme, a project organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and supported by Hong Kong Aircra Engineering Co Ltd (HAECO). The scheme has given me valuable insight and experience in numerous ways. These include site visits to aviation-related organizations, such as the Government Flying Service and Cathay Paci c, networking with professionals in the aircra maintenance The School of Engineering is rolling forward students’ dreams to reach for the skies. Three aerospace enthusiasts reveal how Joanne Yan Yu Lai BEng, Aerospace Engineering ( ) Recipient of Dean of Engineering Scholarship I Michelle Jia Ying Lee BEng, Mechanical Engineering ( ) Graduate Engineer, Cathay Paci c am passionate about aviation and chose to study Mechanical Engineering, as the subject was then the closest to aerospace engineering available in Hong Kong. In my nal year, I was one of a team of ve undergraduates that came second in a nationwide light sports aircra design competition organized by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). Our design, I We Flying .......................................... .......................................... Michelle (fourth from right, back row) and the “Inspiration” team. Photo credit: Airport Authority Hong Kong