In Focus - Issue 25 (Summer 2014)

Tony Jenny Bernard The more I looked into engineering, the more it appealed to me. I’ve always wanted to study the technicality of science with a touch of creativity, and engineering seemed to marry the two. And the fact that engineering can tackle some of the most pressing problems humanity faces in the present filled me with excitement. Engineers are people who design our world, who innovate and explore, who strive for a better tomorrow... and I wanted to be one of them! My story is just beginning and with the help of HKUST and the many opportunities it offers – such as exchange programs to universities all over the world and UROP – the possibilities are endless. With all that I’ve learnt and the inspiring peers and professors whom I’ve met in the past few months, I’m excited to discover what is to come. Whether it is household chemicals or pharmaceuticals, I hope to explore my interest in the application of chemistry in our lives through studying chemical engineering. And with HKUST Engineering, I know that I can take my interests to the next level and equip myself to become the engineer that the world needs today. Tony Peng Zhou Hangzhou Xuejun High School Mainland China “I like the words of Theodore von Kármán: “Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was.” “Why didn’t you continue to study physics at university?” “Why did you choose the School of Engineering?” These are the most common questions asked by my friends once they hear that I won a gold medal at the 14th Asian Physics Olympiad in 2013. Doing well in physics might be an advantage – albeit temporary – in others’ eyes. But for me, the reason I chose engineering was purely because of interest. I like the words of Theodore von Kármán, the Hungarian-American mathematician, aerospace engineer and physicist: “Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was.” After careful consideration, I realized that I was more enthusiastic about creating new stuff. And HKUST is a very internationalized university that can spark my inspiration. Studying at HKUST is more than just going to classes and reading textbooks in the library. Rather, it provides us with a variety of activities that enable us to connect with the most advanced science and technology. There are many prestigious researchers and corporations sharing their ideas and achievements with us. For me, one of the most inspirational is DJI Innovations, founded by a School of Engineering alumnus, which is a world leader in small, highperformance unmanned aerial systems for commercial and recreational use. This is just one of the numerous inspiring instances that have revolutionized my view of engineers. I have joined HKUST’s Aeronautics Interest Group. We are working on a project to manufacture a model plane. Our target is not merely to get it airborne, but develop it to perform a series of difficult tasks. For example, we have designed a suspension system with large wheels that enables the plane to taxi across undulating ground, while we have also changed the configuration of the plane so it is lighter and faster. During this process, I experienced the excitement of being an engineer. And I thank HKUST for giving me this excellent opportunity. In hindsight, I rejoice that I made the correct decision to study at the School of Engineering. Here at HKUST, I can develop my confidence so as to become a young yet prominent engineer, just as I have always dreamed. IN FOCUS 6