In Focus - Issue 25 (Summer 2014)

Fascination for Electronics • A childhood fascination with electronics sparked Prof Kwok’s lifelong academic career; his hobby was electronics – he made a simple radio in elementary school, and in secondary school he built his own hi-fi system • “I always found electronics fascinating because you get to make things yourself,” says Prof Kwok • BS, Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University • MS and PhD, Applied Physics, Harvard University • When HKUST started, Prof Kwok wrote to the founding president asking if he could spend a one-year sabbatical at the University. The president wrote back saying, “Sure, but why not spend 10 years with us?”; 22 years later he is still here! • Recipient of 77 patents, with another 30 under review and produced over 700 refereed publications on display-related research • Recipient of the first Distinguished Research Excellence Award of the School of Engineering for contributions to the field of display technologies • IEEE Fellow • Society for Information Display Fellow – “enables interaction with industry,” says Prof Kwok • Outside interests: history, Chinese poetry, calligraphy, geography and astronomy